
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Family: How To Protect Your Children From S3Xual Abuse

The rate of child r*pe and molestation has become alarmingly high. No amount of justice done can erase the trauma that s*xual abuse causes to both parent and child. Here are a few tips to follow to protect your child from s*xual predators.
1) Encourage Your Kids To Talk To You:
Communication does wonders, if your children make the habit of telling you everything, you will know if anyone is attempting to abuse them and you can prevent it.
2) Teach Your Children About Their Bodies:
Most people shy away from this but I can assure you that if you don’t teach your children about their bodies, someone else will and it might not be pleasant. Tell your children about their s*xual organs and call them by the right names.
If you speak in code, you’ll make the child believe it’s something shameful and if anyone touches them inappropriately, they might be afraid to come to you for fear they’ve done something wrong.

3). Look For Warning Signs:
The frightening truth about s*xual abuse is that it is most often carried out by familiar people. Family members and friends are the most usual offenders. Children are usually abused by people they and their parents trust.
Watch out for anyone with an unhealthy interest in your child and keep them away from questionable people. Even family members. Your child’s well-being is your priority.

4)Pay Attention To Your Children’s Whereabouts.
Know your children’s friends and their parents.  Make sure they are reliable before you allow your child to spend time at their house.
5)Understand The Signs:
Abuse is not usually as obvious as broken bones or bruises. Significant changes in sleeping, eating, mood, or other strange behavior might be signs that something is wrong.
6) Don’t Allow Secrets:
Children are very good at keeping secrets and this is a tool that most abusers use. Let your children know that you frown on secrecy and lying so that you’re never caught unawares
7) Protect Your Children: There’s only so much you can do as a parent. You can’t be every where at once. However, you must try your best to protect your children.
Don’t give strangers access to them. Don’t let other people kiss them on the mouth. Limit the number of people allowed to dress and undress your children. Don’t encourage them to walk around unclad. Give them treats often so they can’t be enticed with this.

It is your duty as a parent to protect your child, do your best all the time. If anything goes wrong with them, you may never forgive yourself. Prevention is better than cure.

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