
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Arrest warrant out for Korean Air Lines executive who turned plane around over bag of macadamias

Seoul Court granted a warrant Tuesday to arrest Cho Hyun-ah, 40, citing concerns that she might destroy evidence or flee after she forced a plane to return to New York on Dec. 5

Former Korean Air Lines Co. Vice President Cho Hyun-Ah hides her face from the press upon arriving at the Seoul western district court office on December 30, 2014 in Seoul, South Korea.
 A South Korean court has approved the arrest of a former Korean Air Lines Co. executive who delayed a flight in what has widely been called "nut rage."
Seoul Western District Court said it granted a warrant Tuesday to arrest Cho Hyun-ah, 40, citing concerns that she might destroy evidence or flee.
She resigned as vice president of Korean Air amid public anger that she forced a plane to return to its gate in New York on Dec. 5 to remove the chief flight attendant because she was angry that macadamia nuts were served in a bag, not on a plate. Witnesses said she assaulted and insulted cabin crew members.

Cho resigned as vice president after it was reported she had delayed a flight from take off and insisted that the plane return to the gate after being served a package of macadamia nuts.The arrest comes as Korean Air faces government sanctions for allegedly trying to cover up the incident.

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